Smile Point Dental


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

Why Is Flossing Good for Heart

Though the two of them, flossing and heart disease may seem two poles apart, there are some researchers who have claimed that gum disease may lead to heart disease. To neutralize the effects of heart disease, flossing goes a long way. How? We will explain you.

Flossing and Brushing Altogether Turn Out to Be Greatly Effective
Brushing goes a long way in maintaining an optimal oral health. However, if you leave the floss unused, you may develop advanced and severe stage of disease. Brushing with a fluoride toothpaste reduce the amount of bacteria in your mouth. Brushing is a regular activity but it has one drawback. Toothbrush won’t adequately clean between the teeth or under the gums. This is where flossing comes in. Flossing specifically removes plaque from the spaces between the teeth and under the gums.

According to the American Dental Association, flossing before brushing makes brushing even more effective. If there is less plaque found between your teeth, fluoride gets to more part of your mouth.

Flossing Protects Gums
Flossing has a major role in areas where a toothbrush can’t reach. There are tiny particles of food that get lodged in between the teeth and gums. Plaque deposition gets harder in these areas and accrete to form tartar. Tartar can only be removed by dentists because it is extremely thick and can be removed with a scraper. Extreme buildup of tartar leads to red, swollen gums which is also known as gingivitis. If not treated well, tartar and plaque spreads even below the gumline, thereby leading to periodontitis. It is severe gum disease characterized by eventual tooth and bone loss.

Flossing Prevents Bad Breath
Whenever dental plaque is left untreated, it spreads further to occupy the space between the teeth. This creates bad smell in mouth. Plaque is the major reason for bad smell. Tooth decay and gum disease are sources of bad breath caused by dental plaque.

Flossing Avoids Tooth Decay
Flossing on a daily basis helps to prevent tooth decay and cavities. If cavities aren’t treated, they get larger and cause problems like toothache and infection.

If you choose not to floss, you will not be able to get rid of dental plaque build up. Cavities are more likely to form and the same dental plaque causing gingivitis can lead to growth of harmful bacteria. It destroys the enamel between your teeth, consequently leading to the formation of a cavity.

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