Smile Point Dental


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

What type of retainers are better?

After your Invisalign treatment, the next step is to wear retainers. Retainers are vital to wear after the orthodontic treatment because they help to keep your teeth in place and in the best shape possible for the rest of your life.

After the teeth straightening treatment, people often get confused while choosing retainers. There are mainly two types of retainers: fixed and removable.

Fixed are also called bonded, or permanent retainers, and removable retainers are also called Hawley or Essix retainers.

Depending upon your teeth condition, your dentist will give you retainers suitable for you. After the teeth straightening process, you still have to take care of your teeth. It can be done by wearing retainers as they will prevent your teeth from shifting back to their previous position.

You must visit your dentist to know which retainer you should wear. Though the purpose of all the retainers is the same, they can affect your teeth differently. Therefore, knowing how different retainers work is vital to choosing the best for yourself.

How do different types of retainers work?

Below listed are different types of retainers and how they work:-

Permanent retainers:

Permanent retainers are also called fixed or bonded wire retainers. As the name suggests, these retainers are fixed to your teeth only onto the six teeth in the front and the back. These retainers are glued behind the teeth providing permanent support to help your teeth retain their shape and position. After continuously wearing permanent retainers, you might have to replace them after 5-6 years.

Removable retainers:

As the name suggests, these are removable retainers. You can remove it while eating, drinking, flossing, or brushing your teeth. Removable retainers are called Essix retainers. They sit above your gum line. These are made up of clear plastic, which makes them less noticeable.These were some of the retainers and you can choose one depending upon your requirements and budget. Lastly, if you face any problem with your retainers, make sure to visit your dentist for proper treatment.