Smile Point Dental


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

Is Alcohol Bad for Dental Implants?

Dental implants are synthetic appliances that help fix dental anomalies caused by injuries, decay, and so forth. In other words, dental implants replace a tooth that may be broken, chipped, or severely decayed. Dental implants serve as a boon for millions of people, but they also have to be associated with pressure. One of the primary questions that people have after getting implants is whether or not they can consume alcohol after that. So, let us now try and answer the looming question and clear the doubts.

Reasons Why Alcohol Is Detrimental for Dental Implant 

  • Alcohol interferes with implant integration, the natural healing procedure wherein the gum tissues regenerate, and the new bone is built to integrate with the titanium implant post.
  • Alcohol consumption can also increase the pain after dental implants. Alcoholic drinks cause capillaries in the gums to dilate, increasing sensitivity. 
  • Alcohol can increase dry mouth. We all know that alcohol is a dehydrating drink and can be dangerous for people recovering from a dental implant. High alcohol consumption can dry out delicate tissues and may not heal properly, thereby increasing sensitivity and discomfort.
  • One of the severe determinants related to alcohol abuse after a dental implant is a condition known as Avascular Necrosis. It is an atypical complication of dental implant surgery wherein the blood vessels that transport essential nutrients to the jaw are blocked and cause the bone to die. Excessive alcohol consumption elevates the risk of AVN as it increases the fat content of the blood and increases the possibility of a clot in the blood vessels. 

As such, it is safe to conclude that excessive alcohol consumption has severe repercussions for dental implants. So, it is best to avoid the drink as much as possible at the beginning of the healing process. Simultaneously, it is also essential to remember that you can have a drink or two after the healing process. 

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!