Smile Point Dental


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

Can you get braces at 25?

People who wish to straighten their teeth can choose braces as a reliable option. Despite the common misconception that orthodontic treatment is reserved for children and teenagers, starting braces at any age is never out of the question. Adult braces are typically only recommended for patients who have completed their jawbone development and have erupted all primary teeth. If a patient considers braces, their age is not a determining factor. Instead, it comes down to whether they are willing to commit and when their dental health permits.

Many adults indeed wish to get braces at a later age. Even if they did not have braces or retainers as children, adults are often delighted at the opportunity to improve their smiles – it is never too late. The fact that children may not pay as much attention to crooked teeth or spacing issues as adults may explain why children are more likely to neglect dental care. Although as an adult, if you are paying for the braces yourself, you are more likely to maintain proper oral hygiene and embrace the journey towards a better smile.

Due to the stigma associated with traditional metal braces, several orthodontic options allow adults to correct their teeth more privately. Patients who are searching for a better alternative to bulky metal braces can consider clear braces, invisible braces like Invisalign, and lingual braces (less common), among others.

Hence, don’t let the stereotypes deter you; the braces treatment is not restricted to certain age groups. Braces can be used at any age to correct misaligned teeth if your teeth and gums are healthy and strong to withstand the impact. Ensure to consult your trusted dentist to know more about your teeth condition and braces treatment.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!