Smile Point Dental


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

How to Whiten Sensitive Teeth?

Sensitivity is the experience of pain in the teeth caused by a specific stimulus. The causes of sensitivity are plenty and vary from person to person. One of the gravest questions people with sensitive teeth face is how to whiten sensitive teeth. It is better to take counsel from a professional before taking any whitening regimen. The primary symptom of sensitivity is experiencing a sharp pain on eating something too hot, cold, sweet or sour. Some whitening products can worsen the pain caused due to sensitivity as they may have an abrasive nature. It is essential to figure out the cause behind your sensitivity and opt for a method that suits your teeth.

Some probable causes of sensitivity are:

  • Vigorous brushing: Being too hard on your teeth while brushing or using a hard toothbrush may be the reason you have sensitive teeth.
  • Grinding: People who grind teeth have more chances of developing sensitivity due to the breakdown of the outer protective enamel.
  • Treatments: Some whitening treatments or filling procedures may also cause temporary sensitivity of teeth.
  • Diseases: Gingivitis and gum diseases are also major causes of sensitivity.

Professional Methods

Some professional methods that can be performed by experts can help you whiten sensitive teeth. They use some chemicals and gels that can reduce the pain during the procedure. This is the most expensive and longest-lasting method of teeth whitening. The process involves applying a bleaching agent to remove stains and discoloration from the teeth.


Veneers are shells of porcelain that cover your teeth. They do not stain easily and provide you with the pearl white teeth that you want.

These are also available in other types such as composite resin which are not as strong but cost less.

Buffered Bleaches

Improved bleaches with a mild composition can be used to whiten sensitive teeth. It may cause a little discomfort which is why it is crucial only to use the products recommended by your dentist.

Whiten Sensitive Teeth at Home

Many gels, strips and toothpaste that are specially designed to suit sensitive teeth are also available for use.  These are effective and can help you get whiter teeth with minimal pain.

Some additional tips to whiten sensitive teeth:

  • Brush and floss your teeth to prevent them from yellowing.
  • Avoid food items that can stain your teeth.
  • Brush and clean your teeth immediately after consuming any such product to prevent the development of any stain.
  • Avoid tobacco and cigarettes.
  • Consuming food items such as apples can help your oral health.

A white smile is something that everyone desires. Dealing with discolored teeth can be even more difficult when coupled with sensitivity. You do not have to settle with this as several products have been designed for sensitive teeth. Getting a bright, white shine isn’t a distant dream anymore.

Book Appointment to find out which treatment might be best for you.