Smile Point Dental


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5 Tips For Sleeping Through A Toothache At Night

It can be very painful to have a toothache during the day. And it is worse if you have a toothache at night. The toothache hurts and can keep you awake all night.

Your pain will be more apparent when there are fewer things to do. If you don’t know how to treat tooth pain quickly, you may need to find comfort in using items already in your home. Here, we will discuss tips for toothache relief at night so you won’t face any such issues.

Top 5 Suggestions to Get Toothache Relief at Night

Here are some popular toothache remedies for bedtime –

#1 Clove

Clove is a popular spice that can be found in most kitchens around the world. It is used to bake and cook a wide range of tasty foods, and a chemical found in cloves called eugenol can be used to relieve pain.

A paste can be made by mixing ground cloves with water and then applying it directly to the painful area. For a short time, you can chew on a whole clove and hold it in your mouth next to the hurt tooth.

Make sure you don’t fall asleep with a clove in your mouth. This method of treating toothaches is not good for kids because cloves can be hot and spicy. They also have sharp points that can hurt if eaten.

#2 Cold Compress

Compressing your cheek with a cold compress may cause blood vessels to constrict. It will, in turn, minimize the swelling and dental pain that is associated with toothache discomfort.

To prevent pain from happening as your head hits the pillows, you can try applying one throughout the night or holding a cold compress to the problematic area for fifteen to twenty minutes before going to sleep. Both of these will help you avoid experiencing discomfort.

#3 Peppermint Tea

Peppermint has antibacterial characteristics. It also contains menthol, which has a calming and numbing effect on the body. To alleviate the discomfort associated with toothaches, you can try brewing a cup of peppermint tea and swishing it around your mouth.
Also, drinking peppermint tea will help you feel more at ease and quiet an upset stomach. Overall, it will make it much simpler for you to get back to sleep.

#4 Raise Your Head

When you rest flat in bed, blood and other fluids can collect in your head. This can cause further irritation and pressure around a severe toothache.

Put gravity to work by adding one or two additional pillows to your bed. Keeping your head elevated will prevent blood from collecting.

It will allow fluids to escape and will assist in reducing swelling around the area of your toothache that is aching.

#5 Take Painkillers

One easy thing you can do at home to ease a toothache is to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) drugs. In an emergency, over-the-counter drugs like ibuprofen, acetaminophen, or naproxen can help ease the pain of a toothache.

Carefully read the labels and take the quantity that is mentioned in the bottle. Make sure that the NSAID you choose will work with any other prescription or other medicines you are taking.

When to See a Dentist: In-Office Toothache Care

Toothaches can be caused by sensitivity, cavities, accidents, grinding your teeth at night, infections, and other things. If you have a toothache, you should make an appointment with a dentist to have your teeth and gums checked out. It will help you fix the problem that’s causing the pain.

When you come in to see a dentist for a toothache visit, he will carefully look at your teeth and gums and talk with you about your symptoms and dental history. If he thinks it’s necessary, he may suggest that you get some dental X-rays to help him figure out what’s wrong with your teeth.

Once he figures out what’s causing your toothache, you can finally get some rest. He will then give you a number of treatment choices to eliminate the pain at its source. So, next time you want toothache relief at night, you must follow these tips.