Smile Point Dental


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

Dental Emergencies – Part 2

When it comes to emergency dental services, Smilepoint Dental is proud to offer the very best. We know that emergencies never happen at convenient times, so our oral surgeons work very hard to be available to you whenever you need them.

In our last blog, we discussed how to handle few dental problems and whether or not they are emergencies. In this second installment, we will address a few more!

  1. Knocked out tooth
    This is an emergency. Preserve your tooth by holding it by the crown and rinsing off any dirt. Do not scrub the tooth or try to remove any tissue that is still attached. You can try to reinsert to tooth in its socket, but if that does not work, you need Smilepoint Dental. Put your tooth in a glass of milk. The milk will preserve it until you can get to our office.
  2. Loose tooth
    If you are done losing your baby teeth and you have a loose tooth, you need to call us immediately. A loose tooth will start to die, but if you get into our office quickly enough, we have better chances of saving your tooth. If you are in pain, take an over-the-counter reliever and apply a cold compress.
  3. Painful swelling
    Dental pain is one of the worst kinds there is. Swelling and pain in your mouth often indicates an abscess, which is a pocket of infected pus. If not treated, the abscess will lead to a serious infection that can affect not only your gums but your jaw and more. Rinse your mouth with saltwater for relief and give us a call!

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Read Part 1 and Part 3.

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